Herausforderndes Jahr für Bitcoin-Miner, da weniger BTC-Mining-Rigs zu aktuellen Preisen rentabel sind

Bitcoin miners have had a challenging year as the networks mining difficulty reached an all-time high and the spot market price of bitcoin dropped below the cost of production. Zur Zeit, with electricity costs at $0.07 pro Kilowattstunde (kWh), only 18 application-specific

Bitcoin Miners Discovered 53,240 Blocks This Year, Foundry Led the Pack, Hashrate Tapped an All-Time High

As the new year approaches, more than a dozen bitcoin mining pools still dedicate a total of 238 Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt (Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt) toward the Bitcoin blockchain in order to secure the network and reap mining rewards. Statistics indicate that the mining

Data Shows There’s No Profits Left for Bitcoin Miners That Can’t Obtain Cheap Electricity, Run Efficient Mining Rigs

During the last few weeks bitcoin’s cost of production has been higher than the leading crypto asset’s spot market value and in turn, this has put massive pressure on bitcoin miners. Am 11. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for

Bitcoin-Miner könnten diese Woche eine weitere Pause bekommen, da die Mining-Schwierigkeit des Netzwerks voraussichtlich sinken wird

Bitcoin miners may catch another break this week as the networks mining difficulty is estimated to see a reduction tomorrow. Every two weeks Bitcoins difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) Änderungen, und während der letzten DAA-Änderung, die Schwierigkeit tauchte durch 4.33%. Zur Zeit,…

Bitmain enthüllt Hydro Bitcoin Miner mit 198 Terahash, Produziert fast die doppelte Leistung der heutigen Top-Maschinen

One of the largest bitcoin mining rig manufacturers in the world, Bitmain announced the launch of a new bitcoin miner that boasts speeds of up to 198 Terahash pro Sekunde (TH/s). The new model is called the Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd….